- Luulekava "Öö", 2013 dets
- I.Hargla/ J.Juhanson "Roos ja lumekristall", 2014 mai
- E.Valter/ J.Juhanson "Lugu lahkest lohe Justusest ja printsess Miniminnist", 2014 juuli, Pokumaal koos Tõkatõka Teatriga
- M.Heinsaar/ J.Juhanson "Kui Herman õitseb", 2014 dets, koos Tõkatõka Teatriga
- Small poetry performance „The Night“, Dec 2013
- I.Hargla/ J.Juhanson "The Rose and the Snowchristal", May 2014
- E.Valter/ J.Juhanson "The Story of Friendly Dragon Justus and Princess Miniminni", July 2014 in Pokumaa (Pokuland) with Student Theatre of University of Applied Sciences
- M.Heinsaar/ J.Juhanson "When Herman Is Blooming", Dec 2014, with Student Theatre of University of Applied Sciences